5 Ways to Enjoy Spending This Holiday Season

Claire Coleman
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The holiday season is almost here, which means holiday shopping, delicious food, family time and other fun activities are right around the corner. However, this can also mean you’ll spend more than you can afford during the next few months if you’re not careful.
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The holiday season is almost here, which means holiday shopping, delicious food, family time and other fun activities are right around the corner. However, this can also mean you’ll spend more than you can afford during the next few months if you’re not careful.

In 2020, Americans collectively spent an estimated $167 billion on holiday shopping

If you’re not sure how to prepare for spending during the holiday season, try incorporating these five ways to enjoy spending this holiday season into your life now so you won’t fall behind on your finances later on down the road.

1. Gift Yourself First

Yes, before you jump on to Amazon, give yourself the most important gift of all - investing in your future self. Whether, it's putting a little extra away towards your goals, or investing in your favorite company or even ending the year by putting a dent in your debt. Do yourself a favor, and gift yourself first!

2. Be Intentional

Go ahead, make your holiday list, but check it twice. As much as you might want to buy a gift for everyone you know, it may not be the best money move. If your list includes more than five people outside of your immediate family, maybe find other ways to share your appreciation for them. Maybe bake some cookies to give to all the people you snipped from your original list!

3. Know Your Self

Do you express love and affection through gifting? If so, this season is probably your favorite time, to show how great you're at gift-giving 😉

So, here's your reminder to be more self-aware of your gifting habits, and consider how else might you show your thoughtfulness to your friends and family?

4. Gift Your Time

Here's an idea, gift the gift of time. Your time! The holiday season is always a great time for most, but for many it can be a difficult time, the cold weather, the loneliness, this is a wonderful time to practice some gratitude, and give the gift of charity. Whether it's volunteering, or helping out neighbors, use the time to truly get into that holiday spirit!

5. Get a Head Start

Give the gift of a financially secure future! Use the next few weeks to start getting ahead of your goals for 2022. Maybe do some journaling and self-reflection on what you want to achieve.

Maybe even give yourself or someone you love the gift of support and coaching, to help all of us be more prosperous and secure in 2022!

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