How to Spend Guilt-Free this Summer

Amy Schultz
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Planning to spend more this summer? According to 45% of Americans, YES! At Bolder, we know this is true because our community members started preparing for kids' camps, vacations, and winery tours months ago.
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Planning to spend more this summer?
According to 45% of Americans, YES!

At Bolder, we know this is true because our community members started preparing for kids' camps, vacations, and winery tours months ago.

But if you had an "oh shit" moment today when you realized June is next week, there are a few things you can do to make sure summer spending doesn't stress you out.

Summer money moves
Having a plan for your spending is the best way to make sure you can afford all the fun things you want to do this summer. Here's how:

1. Make a list of your living expenses, and reflect on how they might change during the summer (aka cranking up the AC or showering 3x a day)

2. Add in what you want to set aside for paying off debt, building up savings, or anywhere else your income needs to go.

3. Now make a list of how often you want to go out for drinks with friends, or take a day trip to the beach, and add up the cost associated with each event.

4. Finally, assess: how does your income cover your living expenses, goals, and summer fun? If it fits in nicely with your goals, great! If not, you have options...

Boost your income
Our members have vacationed guilt-free by selling no-longer-used items on Poshmark, or starting a side hustle with Uber or Lyft.  

Spend with intention
You can also be intentional about what events you go to, and how often. Our members love to set weekly goals for how often they'll eat out, or hit the bar. Maybe brunch is only a Sunday event instead of all weekend, or maybe you plan a BYOB-at-the-beach day with your girlfriends on Saturdays for a low-cost adventure.

Need some help?🤗
So have the hundreds of members who created their own personalized spending plans to live their best lives with the help of a Bolder money coach.

What would a guilt-free summer look like for you? 😎
Choose the membership option that works for you and find out!

You're not alone 📲
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed by money? You don't have to go it alone. Text us at (347) 418-0923 to start working with a coach.

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