The State of Financial Health for Americans

Amy S.
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In March 2023, we surveyed 368 Americans across varying industries. We set out to learn more about the gaps in financial health experienced by Americans, so we could attempt to address their (your) needs.
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In March 2023, we surveyed 368 Americans across varying industries. We set out to learn more about the gaps in financial health experienced by Americans, so we could attempt to address their (your) needs. 

Our key findings indicate that more support is needed to help Americans build wealth, in the form of savings and investments, and that this need prevails regardless of income.

Below is a summary of our key findings, and a shareable infographic with results. 

The State of Financial Health

69% of survey takers earned at least $75,000 in annual income, but 78% of respondents worried about money, 60% had less than $10,000 in savings, and 70% had no money left over some or all months.

Of those surveyed, 69% have less than $50,000 saved for retirement, and 40% of respondents aren’t investing outside of retirement at all. 

Here are survey takers’ top financial priorities, in order of popularity:

1. Building Wealth 💰

2. Financial Organization 🗃

3. Planning for Retirement 🏖

4. Buying a Home 🏡 

High income earners are not protected from financial stress: 68% of respondents who earn at least $200,000 annually report feeling stressed or anxious about their personal finances. Additionally, 47% of six figure earners have more than $5,000 in credit card debt. 

financial health of americans

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