
The amount you pay out-of-pocket for an insurance claim before your coverage kicks in. Lower deductibles mean higher premiums, and vice versa.

What to consider

  • Choose a deductible that you can comfortably afford in an emergency.
  • Higher deductibles might lower premiums but require more out-of-pocket cash.
  • Plan ahead for the potential expense if you need to file a claim.

Real world scenarios

  • Kendra lowers her auto insurance premium by opting for a higher deductible, acknowledging she’ll pay more upfront if she files a claim.
  • A small fender-bender leads Brian to pay out of pocket since the repair cost is below his deductible. He avoids an insurance claim altogether.
  • Comparing health plans, Mia balances premium savings with potential deductible expenses if she needs extensive care.

Related terms

Insurance & Financial Protection